Why Do You Have a Fleet?

OEM-connected vehicles aren’t coming; they’re here.
Today, 95% of new vehicles ship “connected-capable,” which means that accessing data and insights (location, fueling, idling, and more) is as easy as pinging the car over the internet.
Why should you care?
But why should you care about OEM-connected vehicles?
Let’s take a step back and start with another question: why do you have a fleet?
Going out on a limb a bit here, but I suspect you have a fleet to convey your most important assets, whether products or people, to the places where they create value for customers. You have a fleet to fulfill the mission of your business.
To fulfill the mission of your business, your fleet must move people and products safely, reliably, and economically.
Here’s why CFOs, VPs of Operations, and fleet managers care about OEM-connected vehicles: Connected data that’s already coming from the vehicles can help your fleet operate more safely, more reliably, and more economically.

The car knows
The car knows where in the world it is, when it’s idling too much, and who’s driving like an idiot; shouldn’t you know those things as well?
If you aren’t incorporating this data in into your fleet and business planning, you’re missing a sea change in the way connected data is enabling stronger fleets and stronger businesses.
Want to learn about how you could be leveraging data that’s already flowing from your vehicles? .
Interested in our perspective on EVs and the changes coming to fleets? Download our EV guide here.